Privacy Policy Mundo Livre FM Curitiba

This Privacy Policy is effective as of 14 de novembro de 2023.

Informations We Do Not Collect

This application does not collect personal or sensitive data from its users. We respect your privacy and believe in transparency in handling all information, not only personal and/or sensitive!

Data Security

As Mundo Livre FM Curitiba does not collect any user data, there are no concerns regarding data security. We prioritize a secure and protected user experience.

Highlighted Disclosure and Consent

Given that Mundo Livre FM Curitiba does not collect personal or sensitive user data, there is no need for highlighted disclosures or consent requests within the application.

Use of App Set ID

Mundo Livre FM Curitiba does not use App Set ID for ad personalization nor any other purpose, as we do not collect user data.

Caution Regarding External Links

This application may occasionally direct the user to third-party pages such as Instagram and partner radio websites with promotions and similar offers. It is their responsibility to inform users of their respective privacy policies.

Please ensure you verify before providing any data.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us:

Webnow Tecnologia Ltda
Av. Paulista, 1079 - 7º andar
01311-200 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil
(11) 3090-6800